Session 09 - Back to Base

14th of Marpenoth 1371 DR
Three Hills Adventuring Company
Cold but clear

The Heroes have all been running around doing things. Some more than others (thanks for the emails some of you, XP will be awarded at end of know how much you are getting). Jasper and Eldron have managed to get the Ballista installed. Jasper has been experimenting with Eldron using burning canisters for antipersonnel work. There have been a few disasters and half of Eldron's beard was burned off...He is too stubborn to elaborate.

So it is the evening of the 14th when Kamist gets back with a canvas bag full of a smelly herb. Dolgun has taken the entire day selling stuff off and the salted bodies of the bandits are getting ripe and need to go to the garrison in the morning. Good thing it has been cold.

What do you do?

Filge Theme Song

Someone had some time on their hands.

Session 08 - Post Session Report

12th Marpenoth 1371 DR
Late Afternoon
Three Hills Adventuring Compound
Having just returned from the Whispering Cairn with gear and remains
Winds Calm, weather clear, and cold

Before anything else, at dawn, Hein decided to go have some fun and earned some extra experience, but "man-o-man" did he end up with a whole bunch of trouble named Julie Ulmov. Turns out that this young and very attractive working girl took a liking to Hein and his glowing eyes. As a result, Hein ended up with a lovely young woman actually brand new to the working girl profession falling in love with him and his Teifling prowess and running away with him, only to find herself rejected by the other Heroes. Hein made do the best he could and sent her to live with his Mother at the Cult of the Final Passage. They welcomed her with open arms…and legs.

After this distraction, the Heroes finally made their way to Allustan's. Here Allustan told them about the little green worm and the rubbings form the tomb. He also asked them to look into the dealings at the Dourstone Mine.

The Heroes went back to the Whispering Cairn and entered the true tomb. After fighting off two Gricks, Sparrow accidentally crossed the Tomb Guardian's line and was attacked and nearly killed by two Wind Dukes of Ancient Calim. After besting the three Wind Dukes the Heroes found the true tomb and liberated the treasure. Justice objected, but was convinced it was the right thing to do. Besides, the Wind Dukes were 'Heretics' worshiping false Elemental gods.Because of the antics of Hein, a band of Nerjul's Bandits tracked the Heroes back to the Whispering Cairn and a battle ensued. The Heroes killed the Bandits to the last man and woman; even the woman was not sparred by the Heroes and was slain despite her incapacitation. (Naughty, Naughty).

The Heroes traveled back from the Whispering Cairn and find themselves back at the compound (which is on the way to the Garrison). Here they find Eldron and Jasper have already mounted and assembled the ballista.

Session 08 - Tiny Green Worms

After the defeat of Filge by the Heroes, a decision is at hand as to what to do next? Kamist made an appointment with Allustan for the morning of the 12th. Saverick, the Gnome Apprentice took the glass jar with the wriggling worm inside up to Allustan. Allustan advised that he had time in the morning to discuss the matter as well as the rubbings from the Whispering Cairn.

12th Marpenoth 1371 DR
Three Hills Adventuring Company compound
Light Rain and moderate winds from the SW

At breakfast with Jasper he indicates that he would like to start mounting the ballista but has received no plan or recommendation from Hein. Apparently, Jasper mentions, that there is a plan but Jasper has just not seen it or received a copy. However, Jasper has made some recommendations as to where the Ballista should be mounted; in the attic above the 2nd floor rooms there a small room with a balcony overlooking the courtyard. This balcony is a perfect place to mount the ballista. Jasper has taken the liberty of dismantling the ballista and is prepared to insert it on this balcony. He will need the help of at least two other Heroes and will use a pulley system he has managed to rig. Interesting enough, this same pulley system will be used to reel in a dragon should the compound ever come under attack. Jasper just needs Kamist's authorization to continue.

As far as the rooms. Jasper is ready to assign rooms and needs Kamist's approval. Jasper has removed one item from each of the rooms to serve as a memento of his slain brothers and sisters, but thinks it is time to assign rooms. The following room assignments are being made with Kamist's approval and a list of items in the rooms and the foot lockers is listed as well:

Kamist (Morgan's old room)
Foot Locker - working lock (one key), chain shirt, dagger (masterworked), Potion Cure Light Wounds, Armor Stand - Half Plate Armor, Desk - Book of Knowledge (Diamond Lake), Chairs x3, Table (round), Rug (Rashemi Emblem)

Dolgun (Bogar's old room)
Foot Locker - working lock (one key), daggers x2, caltrops sets x3 (indivudally wrapped), hand axe, dragon chess set (ivory, appraise 100gp normal sell value), Weapons Rack - Great Sword (masterworked), spear x2, battle axe, Armor Rack - Banded Mail

Valcrist (Jerrin's old room)
Foot Locker - working lock (one key), daggers x2, alchemist fire x2 (be careful), a skinning knife, a silver locket (appraise 25gp full sell value), Potion Cure Light Wounds, Weapons Rack - Spear x2, Longsword, club, short sword, Chair, Desk - Picture Book of Monsters (after 10 time periods of study, provides Knowledge Dungeoneering 2 ranks for purposes of identifying Monsters and their abilities) Armor Rack - Banded Mail

Trogdor (Sarin's old room)
Foot Locker - no lock, daggers dark black metal x2 (matching pair), black mask and matching black pants, shirt, and black dyed leather vest, black skin paint, sack of 125gp, silver locket with the words Jaspurtin and Mehri on the back (shinny), a vial of green oily liquid, and an old bottle of wine, Desk - empty, and Chair (with the word Tarin carved in the back)

Hein (Elgan's old room)
Foot Locker - no lock, dagger(masterworked), a silk shirt (the name Elgan embroidered over the left breast with a symbol of a raven below that), a warm looking jacket, letters from a woman named Joan (address on Beaconmarch Street in the Northward, love letters), Desk - Potion Cure Light Wounds x2, Chair

Storn (Tarrin's old room)
Foot Locker - Working Lock (one key), a wool sweater (too tall and too tight to wear for a dwarf), a set of leather armor (dyed black), a wooden spoon set, and a wooden set of dragon chess pieces (two pieces missing, sell value 2 gp, 5gp for full set), Desk (but no chair)

Carenthal (Suzanna's old room)
Foot Locker - no lock, white dressy dress, blue dress, yellow sun dress, a silk sash (sell value 5gp), a sack of 75gp, a flute (broken), a flute mouthpiece, a flute cleaning kit, a book of music (sell value 25gp in Waterdeep, no sell value in Diamond Lake), a bottle of perfume (sell value 15gp), a silver dagger, a Book of Knowledge (Diamond Lake), A flute stand with a flute (masterworked), Desk - Book of Knowledge (Waterdeep, Knowledge Local 2 ranks after 10 time periods), a love letter to Morgan Hizari (detailed, they were obviously lovers), a letter to her mother (address on Sulmor Street in the North Ward of Waterdeep), Chair

Sparrow (Empty old room)
Foot Locker - working lock (one key) empty, Desk, Chair

Eldron (likes the barracks and is too stubborn to move his things)

After Breakfast
Jasper turns to working on his Ballista Project, granted that Kamist approves Hein's plan or in the event of no plan, Kamist just approves Jasper's verbal briefing as to what he is going to do. Japser will need at least two heroes to remain behind and help him. (Trogdor and Eldron fit the bill).

The rest of the Heroes then follow Kamist up to Allustan's to hear about the little green worm in the jar. Carenthal pays his 20gp and heads up to the library to continue his studies. He has been working on some very racy drawings of men and women having raw anamalistic relations. He seems to be drawing the pictures over and over again, 10 copies of each one. What ever he could be doing no one knows. Allustan then comes out and meets with the rest of the Heroes in the garden. The ususal silent awkward pause proceeds any conversation and Allustan obviously has something under the dark silk cloth covering the cylindrical object sitting on the table. He just ignores it and talks about ordinary non-relevant topics until Storn has had enough and nearly smashes the jar but instead impatiently pulls the black cloth off.

As if Allustan was expecting such a reaction he grins in satisfaction of being a good judge of character and personalities and says the following:

"As you know good Kamist, I Allustan, most likely the smartest man in Diamond Lake, have been researching local legends and lore. Recently, I have been researching a disturbing development. Apparently, there have been encounters and sightings of strange undead creatures stalking the hills south of Diamond Lake. These creatures have been found to be infested with tiny green worms...When encountered these undead creatures have been able to spread their disease by the transfer of these tiny worms in close combat. Be warned, should you come across one of these undead creatures I recommend you keep your distance."

"I am truly worried that what you have found here is indeed one of these worms. I am concerned that these undead creatures and these worms could pose a grave danger to Diamond Lake and perhaps beyond. I would like to enlist your help to further investigate the few leads you might have in tracking down the source of this worm. I want to add, that based on my calculations, I fear that the worms could be coming from very near by. "

Allustan breaks out a map and points to red marks that show all the locations of the undead creature sightings. Each mark has a date. Allustan points out the marks and the dates of the encounters.

"From my careful calculations I have discovered that the encounters are spreading and seem to be emanating from a point around the Dourstone Mine, owned by Ragnolin Dourstone. From my research, I have discovered that coincidently, an ancient temple of Myrkul (a dead god that fell while walking the Realms as a mortal during the Time of Troubles in the Year of Shadows 1358 DR), once was located deep below ground in the vicinity of that Dourstone Mine. I have not necessarily drawn the conclusion that somehow the two coincidences are related, but it would be prudent to know for sure by investigation."

"I recommend you follow up with spying on the Dourstone operation and perhaps find a way to sneak in and explore the mine to determine if in fact something is afoot deep within the mine. As further evidence, the Cult of Final Passage has recently been very busy carrying dead from the mine and rumors abound about sinister secrets within. I also believe Balabar Smenk might have something to do with it, for no better reason than Smenk always seems to have his hands in the seedier side of society."

"Oh...and the rubbings from the tomb. I shall want to inspect this location myself very soon when I have time, but in the mean time I will tell you what I have discovered."

"From the rubbings I have identified these as the sigil of the Wind Dukes of Calim who were djinn generals of the Calim Empire in what is now far away Calimshan. Their ancient foes were the armies of Memnonnar led by the great efreet general Memnon in service to the god Kossuth, the Elemental Lord of Fire. The Era of Skyfire ended thousand of years ago in the destruction of both genie-led empires and the creation of the Calim Desert. The Scepter of Calim was a symbol of the djinn sovereignty in the lands south of what is now the River Agis until it was shattered by the elven High Mages of Keltormir. It is now known as the Shattered Scepter of Calim. The djinn buried their dead in the cold, unclaimed lands of northern Faerun, far beyond the grasp of Memnon's tomb-raiding legions; the Cairn Hills in some cases."

"These specific rubbings point to two specific djinn Wind Dukes; Nadroc a djinn Wind Duke Architect and designer of burial tombs for great djinn Wind Duke Warriors and leaders; and the other is that of Icosil the Great Wind Duke general who defeated the great efreet general Memnon. Though Icosiol is not rumored to be buried in these parts, it is possible that what you have found is the tomb of one of his warriors, perhaps a loyal djinn Wind Duke Warrior in service of Icosiol during the ancient epic struggle between these forces of good and evil. If you could get me rubbing from the tomb of this djinn Wind Duke Warrior it I would pay you handsomely, say 500gp for it."

"I shall need to spend some time in this 'Whispering Cairn' sometime soon in the future when I have some free time. In the mean time you should find the true tomb of this Wind Duke Warrior and bring me back a rubbing from his sigil."

"I also want to reiterate how important it is that you find out more about these tiny green worms before they spread outside of our control. Hurry young Heroes and do some good."

Session 08 - Tiny Green Worms
12th Marpenoth, 1371 DR
Allustan's Place
Clearing, moderate winds from the SW

Session 07 - Post Session Report

12th of Marpenoth, 1371 DR
Three Hills Adventuring Company Compound
Light Rain, winds from the SW moderate

The Heroes entered the Tower of the Old Observatory and battled Filge the Evil Necromancer and his minions. The Heroes then rescued the 'Land Family' remains and returned them to the graveyard so Alastor could be buried beside them. Alastor in return said he opened the door to the True Tomb of the Whispering Cairn.

The Heroes then completed a number of errands and were jumped by a wandering pack of Grimlocks. The Heroes dropped off the rescued Illuskan at the Temple of Illmater on the Vein. They also dropped off the worm they discovered with Allustan the Wizard to do some research.

Filge's body was turned into the Garrison for a reward and again the Heroes of the Three Hills Adventuring company have been recognized by the Leadership of the garrison. It seems our Heroes are starting to make a name for themselves.

Too Far

Not to take oursleves too serious.

Session 07 - The Death Cheater's Lair

10th of Marpenoth, 1371 DR
Old Observatory
Chilly, clear, slight winds from the SW

It comes at no great surprise that the Heroes have found themselves, at this very moment, at the doorstep of a vile man; assumedly a necromancer of great evil. Whatever lies beyond the door, within the Old Observatory Tower, is obviously in need of some justice. Even Kullen, with his bad reputation and questionable moral standards had disdain for the man responsible for the animation of the remains of those poor souls; a mockery of the struggle that was their lives. So it is with no moral questions that the Heroes draw steel and prepare to move into the Tower section of this Old Observatory. Even Trogdor, who has been remarkably quiet for a Priest of Lathandar, seems to be bristling for a fight.

Tread carefully Heroes, for Evil lurks in unsuspecting places.

Top 50 RPG Websites and Blogs

Today I discovered that fellow D&D blog Dungeon Mastering has published its list of Top 50 RPG Websites. It’s a fantastic list of Dungeons & Dragons resources and interesting blogs. Among the top ten are Johnn Four’s Roleplaying Tips, fan-favourite news site EN World and Monte Cook’s site. Definitely a list worth reading.

Session 06 - Post Session Report

10th of Marponeth, 1371 DR
The Old Observatory, just outside Diamond Lake
Clear Day with a chilly Breeze from the Southwest

Deep within the Whispering Cairn, the Heroes were faced with a surprise attack from three large worm-like creatures known as Gricks. Their thick rubbery skin made them formidable opponents for the PCs and even Dolgun, with his leathery scale like skin was injured by a one of the creature’s barbs. Additionally, Hein set off a Shooting Iron Ball Trap that seemed to be triggered when Hein passed through an almost invisible stream of air crisscrossing the 3’ beam the Heroes stood upon. Storn was forced to face his deepest fear and confronted the worm-like creatures and was personally responsible for slaying at least one of the hideous predators single-handedly.

After the battle the Heroes were confronted by an apparition or ghost of a long dead teenager named Alastor Land. He was pleasant enough and agreed to open the far door in exchange for the Adventurers carrying his bones out of the Cairn and burying them next to his family in his family graveyard. Kamist agreed to the bargain and a deal was made. The Heroes then managed to gather up the bones and a bit of treasure and headed out for the Land Property just north of Diamond Lake just beyond the Boneyard. Here they found the graves dug up and the bones removed. Of course Alastor the ghost was stricken with grief and pleaded with the Heroes to help him. Kamist honorably agreed to help Alastor by finding the families bones.

Before they packed up and headed back to the base, the Heroes explored the old and dilapidated Land farmhouse. Inside, they found evidence of a struggle and a wounded Owlbear. A battle ensued and the Heroes were victorious. They then searched about and found a baby Owlbear Cub (which ‘bonded’ to Storn), and the remains of one of Kullen’s men. The heroes could tell it was one of Kullen’s men by the tattoo on the severed arm they found. Dolgun took the arm with him (yuck). The Heroes then headed back to the base and reported what happened to Jasper.

While at the base the Heroes decided to go see Kullen on the night of the 9th to see if he could tell them what happened and why the bones were removed. The Adventurers were heading over to the Feral Dog, a tavern in Diamond Lake frequented by Kullen and his gang, when they saw Kullen and his men pushing a wagon of supplies towards the Dourstone Mine. Kamist, Dolgun, and Carenthal approached and parleyed with Kullen. Kullen was somewhat civil as he knew Kamist and Carenthal fairly well, having grown up with them, and there seemed to be a bit of obvious bargaining going on. After Dolgun began showing off his fire breathing trick, Trogdor initiated an attack on Kullen and his men urging Storn to charge in. Storn realized that it was ill-planned and broke off the attack charging carelessly into the night. Trogdor, on the other hand, charged in and was pin-cushioned by Kullen’s ‘Sneaks’ who severely wounded him with daggers. Kullen then assumed Trogdor and Storn were drunken miners and robed Trogdor of what ever he was carrying. Naturally and conveniently, Trogdor was carrying absolutely “0” gold. Trogdor resisted the robbing and was pummeled to near death by a surprisingly merciful gang of “Sneaks”. Hein who started to rush in, slinked back into the shadows when he figured out what was happening.

With grace and calm, Kamist, Dolgun, and Carenthal watched as Trogdor got stomped into submission. They realized that the Heroes were somewhat outnumbered, had no surprise, and were outmatched in arms, armor, and in a few instances, combat ability. Wisely, a combat was avoided. Kullen agreed to tell the Heroes where the bones were if they paid him a bribe. The Heroes agreed, Trogdor was spared death, and all went about their business.

The next Morning Kullen and three of his gang came by the Adventuring Company compound. Kullen was impressed and liked Kamist’s new digs. The Heroes paid his bribe and were told about some weird little human wizard or necromancer who had moved in up at the Old Observatory. Kullen told the Heroes that he felt he was mistreated by the bastard and that he hoped the Heroes would go up there and torture him to death. He asked for a 25% cut on anything the Heroes took from the evil little man as a finders fee. Kullen even sent over a hand drawn map with a crude floor plan of the place. Kullen told the Heroes that his boss Balabar Smenk sent him over to help this wimp of a man move in and then the man asked him to dig up a good number of bones for his needs. Kullen did the deed reluctantly, since this man was friends with his boss. Since he could not get bones from the Boneyard, as it was protected by the Cult of Final Passage, Kullen was forced to search around other locations such as the abandoned Land farmstead. Kullen felt this man mistreated him.

The Heroes then set out to the old observatory and encountered undead at the entrance, to include Tomb Motes and Skeletons. While Carenthal assembled the bones obliterated by the careless cleric, Trogdor. (It is a complex task and will require Carenthal’s utmost attention and knowledge of the human anatomy). The rest of the Heroes then moved up to enter the tower portion of the Old Observatory.

Trogdor!!! That's what I am talking about!

Maybe Dolgun and Trogdor should trade names?