Session 08 - Post Session Report

12th Marpenoth 1371 DR
Late Afternoon
Three Hills Adventuring Compound
Having just returned from the Whispering Cairn with gear and remains
Winds Calm, weather clear, and cold

Before anything else, at dawn, Hein decided to go have some fun and earned some extra experience, but "man-o-man" did he end up with a whole bunch of trouble named Julie Ulmov. Turns out that this young and very attractive working girl took a liking to Hein and his glowing eyes. As a result, Hein ended up with a lovely young woman actually brand new to the working girl profession falling in love with him and his Teifling prowess and running away with him, only to find herself rejected by the other Heroes. Hein made do the best he could and sent her to live with his Mother at the Cult of the Final Passage. They welcomed her with open arms…and legs.

After this distraction, the Heroes finally made their way to Allustan's. Here Allustan told them about the little green worm and the rubbings form the tomb. He also asked them to look into the dealings at the Dourstone Mine.

The Heroes went back to the Whispering Cairn and entered the true tomb. After fighting off two Gricks, Sparrow accidentally crossed the Tomb Guardian's line and was attacked and nearly killed by two Wind Dukes of Ancient Calim. After besting the three Wind Dukes the Heroes found the true tomb and liberated the treasure. Justice objected, but was convinced it was the right thing to do. Besides, the Wind Dukes were 'Heretics' worshiping false Elemental gods.Because of the antics of Hein, a band of Nerjul's Bandits tracked the Heroes back to the Whispering Cairn and a battle ensued. The Heroes killed the Bandits to the last man and woman; even the woman was not sparred by the Heroes and was slain despite her incapacitation. (Naughty, Naughty).

The Heroes traveled back from the Whispering Cairn and find themselves back at the compound (which is on the way to the Garrison). Here they find Eldron and Jasper have already mounted and assembled the ballista.

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