Session 07 - The Death Cheater's Lair

10th of Marpenoth, 1371 DR
Old Observatory
Chilly, clear, slight winds from the SW

It comes at no great surprise that the Heroes have found themselves, at this very moment, at the doorstep of a vile man; assumedly a necromancer of great evil. Whatever lies beyond the door, within the Old Observatory Tower, is obviously in need of some justice. Even Kullen, with his bad reputation and questionable moral standards had disdain for the man responsible for the animation of the remains of those poor souls; a mockery of the struggle that was their lives. So it is with no moral questions that the Heroes draw steel and prepare to move into the Tower section of this Old Observatory. Even Trogdor, who has been remarkably quiet for a Priest of Lathandar, seems to be bristling for a fight.

Tread carefully Heroes, for Evil lurks in unsuspecting places.

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