Session 49 - Demon Slayers

10th Nightal 1371 DR
Just outside Longsaddle about 100 miles north of Triboar
Cold early winter, snow on ground, currently clear

The PCs negotiated the room of the Rising Path by using a clever spell. They appeared inside the Chamber of Icosiol's Tomb and nearly (but not quite) surprised the hungry Demons. After a pitch battle, the Heroes were victorious and the Demons were slain. Tyree was taken out by the Occulus Demon, but Egwaine saved him with a timely close wounds spell.

After looting the tomb the Heroes obtained powerful magical items which they reasoned would best be utilized by the Heroes to defeat the new aspect of evil sweeping across the land just as the Djinn Wind Dukes would have wanted.

The Lightning Sword
The RIng of Djen
The Sword of Teshyllal
A large piece of the Shattered Scepter of Calim

The Heroes then decided to deal with the quest from the Shadow spider later and passed on tracking down the expedition from the White Kingdom. Luckily Egwaine was able to teleport the Heroes back to the Guild House at Diamond Lake with the use of the Portable Hole.

At the Guild House the Heroes rested, resupplied, and attended a dinner and party held on their behalf at the Spinning Giant in Diamond lake hosted by Lt. Mikella Venderlin and many of the Alliance soldiers of the Garrison. Kamist rekindled his relationship and all around merriment ensued.

For the PCs - Down Time = 3 Days
Please level if your PC leveled and make any purchases at standard prices (less Alobron will accept the quest of the Thyan Embassy, shave his head, and bear a Thayan Tattoo, then magical item purchases out of the DMG not requiring construction will be available at 20% discount. Otherwise standard price.) Be prepared at session to list purchases and pay for them during upkeep. No prep in this area simply means No purchases made during this downtime. No exceptions less we will never get started.

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