Session 44 - I'll Xorn You...Tyree

4th Nightall 1371 DR
late afternoon
Deep within the Tomb Of Icosiol the Djinn WindDuke
windy, cool, tomb environment

Injury Report:
Storn - slight injury (-8hp), Tyree - light injury (-14hp)

Spell Report (USED):
Egwaine 1-1st, 3-2nd, 5-3rd, 3-4th, 1-6th
Menelvagor 1-1st, 2-3rd, 1-4th, 2-6th
Alobron 1-1st, 3 pearls of power, 2-2nd, 2-3rd
Kamist 4-zero, 7-2nd, 2-3rd, 1-4th, 2-5th

Tomb Entrance

The Heroes pressed on deep within the Tomb of the Djinn WindDuke. After leaving Nadim, the Guardian Djinn Outsider, behind the Heroes encountered a dangerous Elder Black Pudding that drove the Heroes deeper into the ancient tomb. The Party was only saved by the quick thinking of Kamist and a clever use of a Wall of Force spell. Menelvagor seemed very distracted and distant as he focused on the intricate reliefs covering the walls and doors as if he was not all there. Using his dimension door ability he did seem to pass directly through a large Shadow Spider hiding near by in the realm of shadows waiting for his moment to strike.

Deeper within the tomb, the Heroes found a large chamber covered in shadowy thick spider webs and numerous columns that cast eerie shadows throughout the room exacerbated by the Heroes numerous light sources. Here, the Heroes bypassed one room and found a room atop a set of stairs. The room at the top of the stairs radiated much magic absent in three places exactly where large figures were carved on the wall. The Heroes left this room alone and moved to the north and found a huge river of what appeared to be blood spanned by a crumbling bridge.

At this location, Tyree sprung (literally) into action and jumped the great 20' width fast moving river. At the opposite end Tyree encountered a monster known as Xorn, who unbeknownst to Tyree, was a merchant that attempted to communicate with Tyree. Of course Tyree immediately attacked and nearly slayed the ancient trader. At this, a group of Xorns, including a really big Xorn, emerged from around Tyree from the sandy beach and attacked and dropped Tyree. After eating his magical +1 steel shield, they spared Tyree death when it was explained that Tyree was confused and thought he was being attacked. The Xorns were reasonable and then offered to sell buckets of the sifted and reduced red mineral from the river for a price of 20,000gp per bucket. (Yes the Heroes did empty their portable hole and filled it with the red stuff...yuck)

The Heroes recovered Tyree's limp body, healed him, and moved back to the magical room where they found a doorway leading to the south. Here Rumple opened the locked door and the Heroes found Allustan trapped in a complex lightning trap. Rumple was able to render the massive room trap save with an entire spool of cooper wire and an iron spike driven into the wall to act as a ground. Rumple has proven very valuable in this trap ridden tomb.

After rescuing Allustan the Heroes paused for a short time to speak with him. Allustan was extremely disturbed about the news regarding the destruction of the town (thanks Tyree) and wanted to immediately teleport back to his home to check on his gnome servant and apprentice Mezalous. As a caution to guard against the Black Dragon, Allustan instructed the Heroes to meet him in the town of Longsaddle at the Inn called the All Seeing Eye. He wants to introduce the Heroes to his Wizard Master Manzorian when they are finihsed exploring the tomb. He provided Menelvagor with a scroll of teleport to assist in returning the Heroes to their Guild House. The Heroes learned the following facts from Allusatn:

Allustan was attacked by a Huge Black Dragon that was hells bent on killing him blaming him for the destruction of his plans and his children.

Allustan had been investigating the Whispering Cairn and had excavated a portion covered in a cave-in and uncovered the Black Gate. He explained that in desperation he jumped into the portal to escape the Black Dragon's dangerous acid. He tricked the gate Guardian by using a symbol of the Djinn Wind Dukes...Allustan opines this guardian was a lost soul trapped in the gate by some calamity or melancholy magical disaster.

The Tomb is a monument to the great Djinn Wind Duke General Icosiol who was the greatest general of the Wind Dukes and one of the so-called seven Wandering Wind Dukes that forged a great weapon known as the Scepter of Calim that was used to defeat the Efreeti General Memnonar. The battle shattered the Scepter into seven parts.

Allustan asks that the Heroes explore the Tomb, which Allustan believes descends deep, deep, below into numerous levels and layers. Allustan explains that the Wind Dukes often buried powerful magical items in their tombs and perhaps one of these items could be a weapon to use against the scourge ravaging the land.

Allustan is shocked to hear of the death of Eligos and reminds the Heroes that they were students together of Manzorian. After taking Eligos' notes, letter, and items, Allustan teleports away.

Later the Heroes encounter another large mechanical trap that utilizes the power of the rushing blood river. It almost gets Tyree but he escapes by the skin of his teeth (again).

The Heroes are battered and low on spells. Some have discussed resting before venturing on.

Will the Heroes find the true Tomb of Icosiol one of the seven Wandering Djinn Wind Dukes? What powerful and wondrous magical items await the clutches of the Heroes? Will Tyree survive the dangerous traps riddled throughout this tomb designed to thwart tomb raiders? For the answers to these questions and more, tune in next session of the Age of Worms.


Tyree said...

I'm begaining to think Tyree has to think fist

Tyree said...

Don't ask me why

Vonnie said...

I am so excited to be traversing on with my other Hero bretheren! We are indeed formidable together and although weary with many spells used and some of our weapons and shields EATEN - Egwaine knows prayer and faith will gain ALL the Heros the grace of Kelemvor.

GetDark said...


This is Yvonne above. And it is only an outside chance we may see this guy anytime soon. I will let you know if anything develops.