th Uktar 1371 DR
HighsunWaterdeep, Trades Ward, Crooked House Inn
Cold foggy day
After the battle with “wormed-up”
Smenk and his friends (midnight in the wee hours of the 2
nd), the Heroes rescued a local Farmer named Marvin
Keltin a local
Goldenfields farmhand that reported that his farm had been attacked by a pack of fast zombies that chased him all the way down
Amphial Trail to the Heroes’ encampment. The Heroes agreed to let him tag along to
Waterdeep. The Heroes also "convinced" a traveling merchant named George
Bettlyn (Human -
Chondathan, Expert 6) to also accompany them to
Amphail on their journey to
After visiting
Amphail and spending the night, the Heroes pushed on to
Waterdeep on the morning of 3rd. After being signed in at the North Gate and having a run-in with a creepy street preacher, the Heroes made their way directly to the Crooked House Inn where
Dolgun reportedly had set up quarters for them. By the afternoon on the 3rd the Heroes were all settled in at the Inn and met Olaf another drunken
dwarven friend of
On the morning of the 4
th the Heroes set about town doing errands which included banking and the much anticipated equipment upgrades and purchases. On the way the Heroes ran into a street parade of circus performers pulling a wagon containing a caged Chimera (three headed large magical beast). The performers were advertising an upcoming Champions’ Belt competition at the Fields of Triumph (Arena, location $77 in the Sea Ward). After the beast escaped and started terrorizing, the Heroes sprang into action and slew the beast, saving numerous . Tyree purchased the creature’s head stalk and sent it to the taxidermist shop (
Ret’s Taxidermy) a few doors down from the Crooked House Inn. The Heroes have returned to the Inn to regroup after the harrowing experience.
It should be noted that Storn no longer has the Flaw Deep Fear -Worms and now has the Flaw Strong Dislike -Worms.It is
highsun on the 4
th, time to eat.