Longsaddle (Common Information)

This small village of 130 or so is located on the Long Road about 100 miles north of Triboar. Depending on when you take a look at it, Longsaddle is either sleepy and almost deserted, or dusty and crowded, crawling with bawling livestock and folk eager to buy them. Either way, Longsaddle is little more than a market center for the thousand or so folk who live in the surrounding ranches.

Longsaddle is dominated by the many-spired, crazily chaotic bulk of the Ivy Mansion. This, the ancestral home of the Harpell family, perches atop Harpell Hill in the center of the village. The other buildings in Longsaddle line both sides of the Long Road and some branching subroads, which are the only streets in the village and lacking of stonework or proper drainage in most cases.

For miles around, the grasslands are claimed by ranchers. The ranches usually include a fortified ranch house, a stockade, and stables. Most ranchers also hire and house ‘Longriders’. These farmhands are hired more to fight off Orc and Uthgardt Barbarian Raiders than to tend the stock. Cattle are the predominant livestock, but horses and sheep are also reared. Every ranch also grows its own vegetables, and sells any surplus at market in Longsaddle. The ranchers always send those who are temporarily disabled by injuries or illness to Longsaddle so that someone is waiting there to report the arrival of buyers back to the ranch.

Due to the large amount of trade that ranching brings to the village, the ranchers would probably control Longsaddle, were it not for the capricious, magically mighty Harpell Clan. For generations, the Harpells have brought Longsaddle an importance in the North far greater than its size and purpose would normally warrant.

The Harpells have always been mages. This tradition began with mighty Authrar Harpell, who was famous in the North an age ago for single-handedly destroying an onrushing Orc horde with his spells. More recently, Manzorian Harpell, along with his Company of Crazed Venturers, once fought off a demigod. On another occasion, fighting alone, he destroyed two Red Wizards of Thay and the undead beholders under their command!

These days, Manzorian keeps to the comparative peace of his own Fortress of Unknown Depths and is rarely seen in Longsaddle. The current village elder is Ardanac Harpell, the son of Adanac. He is the only Harpell who can be bothered with the headaches of local politics, or the doings of the world around. Ardanac is by no means the most powerful or eldest Harpell living in the Ivy Mansion. In fact, he doesn’t control anything within the walls of the house. By tradition, the oldest Harpell women do that.

The Harpells are a kind-hearted clan, but their magic is capricious. It is also so powerful that Uthgardt Barbarians currently steer clear of Longsaddle, though defiant bands sometimes steal cattle and horses from the outlying ranches around the village. There is strong prejudice of the Uthgardt in Longsaddle as the Barbarians have raided and destroyed outlaying farms and ranches on three occasions in the last 25 years. In the last Barbaric Raid Harpell magic was used to turn one of their Chiefs into a toad that was thrown down a well. Uthgardt legend has it that Chief Naataryee ‘Elk Blood’ the Great is now a spirit and haunts this well. Local Longsaddle lore says that the well has since been poisoned and will remain this way until the Chief’s spirit can be put to rest.

Longsaddle’s location on the overland trade road insures that the village will always have stables ready. Also, a number of craftsmen have come to the village because of the protection of the Harpells and the recent Lords’ Army Barracks. Most importantly though, Longsaddle is an important source of beef and mutton, attracting buyers from all over the North. Shipping masters come from all of the port cities, especially Luskan and Waterdeep, to compete furiously for the trade.

Meat intended for local consumption usually travels to its destination as livestock. Meat that will end up in a ship’s hold, though, is usually brought to the Harpells’ stall at the market. For 5 gp per carcass, a Harpell will seal fresh meat into a magically applied and hardened shell. This casing, made of mixed clay and leaves, fades after 10 days. In the meantime, though, the magic keeps the meat cool and sealed from the air. The shell also keeps the scent of the meat concealed from predators. The sealed meat can usually be transported to a boat and dumped into a hold full of ice, or for long voyages to the South, salt is applied before the magic fails.

The Harpells put their youngest children to work at this duty, starting them into magic at an early age. The monotony of this task usually has the effect of encouraging the children to experiment with, and eventually master, stronger magic.

The Harpell family is experimenting with shrinking animals to miniature sizes. They hope to breed them as stable species at the smaller size, to allow for maximum food use and minimal feed consumption. A furious private debate is currently raging within the family over the morality of such tampering with natural forces, but the research continues. To this date, few of the results, known as ‘minimals’, have been released onto the market.

Folk who travel the North think of Longsaddle as a place where you must watch your step, because of the magic hurled about everywhere. Moreover, griffins that dwell in the nearby hills sometimes attack travelers on the road. Even the local ranchers have begun to hire apprentice wizards to escort their shepherds and Longriders. These wizards are usually equipped with wands of paralyzation bought from the Harpells. The Harpells have magic to spare, and they will use it without hesitation to aid travelers and villagers alike.

Most people think that scores of wands, rings, and magic trinkets must be hidden all over Longsaddle, so there’s never a shortage of curious visitors poking around the village, looking for all this hidden magic. Many of the searchers are reckless young thieves, or ambitious agents of the Zhentarim or other groups. There are several such groups known to frequent Longsaddle. These include the Cult of the Dragon; the Arcane, a wizards’ guild that rules Luskan through the five high captains; and the Talonmists, a family of sorcerers who dwell near Westbridge. The latter are hereditary enemies of the Harpells. All are a source of constant irritation to the villagers, and constant amusement to the Harpell children, who delight in using magic to play pranks on the visitors.

Longsaddle is rumored to be protected by magical wards that have various protections to include among others the prevention of teleportation in and around the village.

The Ivy Mansion – Located on Harpell Hill this is the Ancestral Home of the Harpells.

Griffonpost – Stormrider Family Home, named for the Griffin Posts at the entrance to this large mysterious Wooden and stone home and stables. The entire complex is surrounded by a walled garden of dark, thickly grown forbidding pines and duskwoods. The Stormriders are well established and have raised skilled Rangers here for six generations.

Harpell Hill - The big hill on the Northwest side of town. It is surrounded by a blue gate that crackles with magical energy. One gets the impression not to touch. The Ivy Mansion sits at the top. A dirt road leads up from the Long Road. There are two young wizards at the gate entrance.

Libray Temple of the Binder of All Knowledge (Oghma) - This large wood and stone building has clear windows. Very rare in this time and obviously magic...Tyree will have never seen these other than colored ones in Diamond Lake. Others have seen them before on rare occassion in Waterdeep. The Temple is adminstered by 'Namers' or Priests of Oghma...Research may be conducted by non-members at a price. See the Acolyte at the entrance. Namer Harwood can assist those in a hurry for a price as well. This is one of the largest Libraries outside of Waterdeep and is well known to the Heroes.

The Alliance Barracks - This two-story walled building is surrounded by an 8’ stone wall that supports a single 20’ stone guard tower. The Barracks is home to three squads of alliance soldiers; which are led by an Alliance Lieutenant named Victor Mevkazich (Human, male, F7, Damaran or Rashemen in ethnicity). The squads are organized into a light foot unit, an archery unit, and a light cavalry unit. They answer to Captain Tollivar Trask in Diamond Lake. There are three Seargents; Mikhail Kinchencko (Human – Damaran, male, F9), Serge Vladistock (Human – Damaran, male, F9), and Marinna Maskovian (Human – Damaran, female, F8, archer). This unit is supported by three reserve squads from the town led by the new Reserve Lieutenant George Turgin the new Manager of the All Seeing Eye.

The Leaping Hooves Trade Stable - The Leaping Hooves does a steady and profitable business buying worn-out mounts and selling fresh horses to travelers. When trading horses, there’s a fee of 1 gp, so Urvon (Human/Damaran, NG, Large frame, mustache, bald) the stable master, never loses much in any transaction.

The Rolling Wheel – Proprietor Vlad Yinesky (Human –Damaran, male, E9). This shop specializes in wagon and cart whells and other travelers’ goods.

Nalathar’s Fine Stirrups and Spurs – Longsaddle’s second largest export business, after livestock, is moving the finely forged wares of Nalathar Druyn. Nalathar is a fine smith who makes spurs and stirrups of plain design at the best quality. Here, 1 gp will buy any single stirrup or spur. However, the prices rise many fold as his wares are bought and sold all across Faerûn. Merchants with room on their wagons never fail to pick up a few pieces on their way through.

The All Seeing Eye – Equipped to cater to the nuanced tastes of powerful visitors from all over the Realms, the All Seeing Eye rivals the finest inns and eating houses of Waterdeep. The sprawling three-story building houses a collection of well-appointed rooms, a grand ball room, two skilled chefs, and many minor comforts expected by the rich and powerful. The new Manager from Diamond Lake has the Stature of a seasoned warrior and speaks with a calm. He introduces himself as George Turgin but many of the staff at the Inn refer to him as Kevork.

Lake of Unknown Depths – This legendary lake is known for its dark blue hue in Summer and its great depths. You find it by following the path leading east out of town, at the heart of relatively small yet thick forest known as the Lore Wood, just beyond the Monument of Tanner’s Stand. Rising from a rocky island at the lake’s center about a half mile out is a pale blue castle surrounding a tower capped with a vast faceted dome that glitters like a blue jewel on sunny days. A twenty foot wide causeway runs all the way from the shore to the castle. Thin blue flags with the sigil of Manzorian fly equally spaced the entire distance.

The Hill Stream

Saddle Pond

The Paddock

Market Podium

The Gambling Golem – Local Gambling house and Tavern. The main proprietor is a Yuri (Human – Damaran, male). Two common games played here are fighting frogs and scattershields. See VGTTN pages 62-63 for more info.

The Night Cloak – The common feast hall in Diamond Lake. This two story wooden building is a favorite of the soldiers from the Alliance Barracks. This feast hall also rents rooms upstairs but currently is full of either refuges from the south or local Trappers and Rangers seeking shelter from the rapidly approaching Winter.

Beliver Family Home

Dostril Family Home

Feldryn Family Home

Gosstal Family Home

Irimari Family Home

Ostever Family Home

Ostever’s Slaughterhouse


Runelord said...

Ugh! It's Damaran central in Longsaddle! You people will have to do this part without me.

Tyree said...

No the cattle are keeped on the ranch's