Deep below the Calim Desert, south in distant Calimshan
cold, damp, and windy
Injury Report
Menelvagor - Dead (ash)
Tyree - bad down 140 pts
Please email DM with your injuries.
Spell Report - (email DM with spells used on the 7th, teleport/buffs etc)
Shield (on Storn in 5 minutes)
Alter Self (Alobron, expires late afternoon 7th)
Dragon Skin (Alobron, expires late afternoon 7th)
Mass Conviction (expires late afternoon, 7th)
Heroes Feast (+7 temp HP except Egwaine and Tyree injured/healed, expires midnight end of 7th)
Greater Mage Armor (Kamist, expires midnight end of 7th)
Divine Ward (Alobron, storn, Tyree, expires highsun 8th)
The Heroes managed to get the doors open and Tyree jumped and climbed his way to the opposite side. All was fine until Tyree began to climb up to the ceiling through a small opening about 40 feet up and another hero used a fly ability to enter the room. This most likely triggered two huge Air Elementals lurking below in the glowing blue fog. They raced up and began attacking. Tyree retreated up into the chamber above and the rest of the Heroes began a huge battle that resulted in a stalemate in which Menelvagor used High elven Magic to trap an Air Elemental inside a Magical Sphere. He then set off an empowered Fireball within the enclosure destroying the creature and unfortunately himself. All that was left was ash.
After some confusion on the part of the Air Elemental, (the DM) , and the closing tomb doors, the Heroes managed to assemble back in the entrance room before the doors closed.
The Session ended abruptly (so the DM could regroup, regain his composure, and much needed rest) with the Heroes standing at the magically trapped entrance doors.
Will the DM survive this Campaign? Will the Heroes ever make it to the Icosiol's tomb? Will they have the power to defeat the Occulus Demon and his BBQing twin demon helpers? And will Tyree ever get a break? For the answers to these and more tune in to the next session of the Age of Worms Campaign.
I think "Demon Helper" is a registered trademark of Betty Crocker Foods, Inc.
This may also explain why one doesn't see much High Elven Magic. Apparently, you can only do it once. :(
High Elven Magic is red hot!
I sware it was A1 not BBQ sause
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