29th Uktar 1371 DR
morningWaterdeep, Fields of Triumph, Coenoby
Cold, damp, dark down here
After debating for some time the best time to take another shot at the
Apostolic Scroll and its green protection magic, the Heroes decided on the
evening of the 28th after the meeting with Ekyam. Ekyam gave more details regarding the murder of Eligos and his man servant Pollard. Ekyam also provided the Heroes a partially finished letter from Eligos to Allustan and a package of notes and the artifacts, including the preserved worm in the jar, that had previously been provided to Eligos, presumably to be returned to Allustan with the package. The partial letter read:
27 Uktar 1371 DR
My dear friend Allustan,
It has been too long since we last walked together along the seashore friend. There is much to discuss in person, but until then this matter is quite urgent. What your adventuring retainers have stumbled into sickens me to my soul. Every new leaf I turn reveals an even darker secret. I have included a package with my notes. You must take them to our one-time master; although I fear even he may be ill-equipped for what writhes in all our futures. I am certain that if we do not act decisively over the next few days that all will be lost and darkness will spread across the Realms like a dark blanket that can never be removed.
I must admit that the tales told to me by these young Heroes initially seemed like paranoid exaggerations of young minds under the influence of too much Kalamanthas root, yet my research and the assorted items they delivered as proof have corroborated their stories and worse. I too now fear that the prophecy of the Age of Worms is at hand and less we do something quickly we will all be doomed.
I have indexed the notes as follows:
Section (Unfinished end with no signature block)Eligos also delivered the following items (
handed out during Session 38):
Scroll Alter SelfScroll of Lesser Restoration x5Scribing ink (100gp worth)After this the Heroes snuck below and Egwine worked her magic on the powerful green protective glow on the
Apostolic Scroll and the stone door in the Altar Room of the Shrine of Kyuss Level. After risking herself in this daring endeavor, she weakened the green protective magic enough for Menelvagor to cast a
Dispel Magic and remove the protective magic. The green glow disappeared and the Heroes were in business. They went through the great stone doors and in a massive circular chamber they encountered and defeated a number of various undead and the
Apostle of Kyuss. It nearly killed Alobron in its opening salvo of green debilitating saliva which it spewed like a dragon's breath...But through spell and sword the creature was defeated.
Later, the Heroes moved to meet up with Loris Raknian at midnight. Tyree's rendezvous with the voluptuous Snow Leopard Illona was a failure because all the Heroes including Egwaine were standing right there when she arrived. Poor Tyree.
Finally, a while later at midnight, Carenthal showed up in place of Loris Raknian and told the Heroes that Loris Raknian had been blackmailed all along by the Ebon Triad led by Captian Okorol and Bozul the evil Teifling cleric. Carenthal advised that Loris killed Ekyam's sister Lahaka about a year ago when she started an affair with Auric, the present reigning Champion of the Games. Loris did not know what to do so he turned to Bozol for help and soon fell under his spell and was defenseless to Bozol and Captain Okorol's evil plot. Carenthal indicated he would talk to Loris Raknian and present the Heroes offer.
Carenthal was later found killed, his throat ripped out like the other arena wardens slain similarly.
After a wrestles nights sleep the Heroes awaken to the Round Three Matches. There are two Matches scheduled:
Match One (morning): Auric's Warband vs. The Teeth of Malar
Match Two (afternoon): Three Hills vs. Madtooth and Mudsucker
Will the Heroes continue with the Champions' Games? Will Carenthal be avenged? Will Loris Raknian show himself? Has the death of the evil Tiefling cleric Bozol and the Apostle of Kyuss brought an end to the Ebon Triad's diabolical plan or do they have something else up their sleeves? For the answers to these questions and more, tune in next session to the Age of Worms campaign.