Session 34 Intro - Back to the Coenoby
Session 33 Notes – Champions’ Games
Coenoby, below the Field of Triumph ($77) arena, Waterdeep
Cool, foggy afternoon, damp and cold below
After being collected up at the Crooked House Inn by Ekyam late in the afternoon on the 25th, the Heroes were escorted to the Fields of Triumph. Here they took part in the festivities and dinner provided by Loris Raknian. All the teams were introduced and various wagers were placed on teams to include ‘Three Hills’. There were some notable antics to include:
Tyree, failing to gain any headway with the exotic and voluptuous Uthgardt Barbaric beauties of ‘Snow Leopards’. Three attempts in the end it was not pretty.
Kamist and Alobron disrupting an Orc of ‘The Unhumans’ from murdering a servant girl by juxtaposing Alobron by magic in the girl’s place.
Menelvagor dumping an obvious high class working girl onto the monks of ‘Iron Hill Monkeys’.
The quasimodo Kazgiron visiting with the Heroes and informing them that he was part of the gladiator team known as ‘Crazy Eight’. Kazgiron also provided the Heroes with a gift which appeared to be a captured and caged Homunculus.
A Carenthal sighting and brief, flighty discussion about how he just up and left the Adventuring Company with not even a proper farewell.
Storn’s usual dry stoic sense of humor.
The usual street profit showing up…and being taken away kicking and screaming by Captain Okoral (Raknian’s head of security) and several arena wardens, likely never to be seen again; at least not in Waterdeep.
After a dazzling Fireworks display, Raknian ordered the beginning of the games and ordered each of the teams below into the Coenoby. Here the ‘Three Hills’ was quartered into a comfortable small chamber. There were some encounters to include:
A disturbance by the team ‘Drunken Devilry’.
Tyree, missing his chance to bed one of the ‘Snow Leopards’ who had already been seen naked by Menelvagor while she was bathing in the shallow subterranean stream.
Negotiations (which later proved fruitless) with Korush of ‘Sapphire Squad’ and Rennida of ‘Arcane Auriga’.
On the morning of the 26th the Heroes learned that they were set for Match 1, Round 1 verses ‘Arcane Auriga’, ‘Sapphire Squad’, and ‘Badlands Revenge’. The Heroes made easy work of the three other teams and defeated them with little to no injury save for Tyree being made a target by charging the archers, and Alobron being thrashed about in the jaws of the giant crocodile that was once Joren of ‘Badlands Revenge’.
Having triumphed during the first round in the Champions Belt Tournament, the Heroes are paraded by ‘flower-girl’ escorts to the winners’ podium before Loris Raknian, Talabir Welik, and various nobles, judiciaries, and members of the Waterhavian aristocracy. Here Raknian presents ‘Three Hills’ as Match 1 Round 1 winners’ and awards them with a small intricate bronze statute of a bull and 5,000 gp. Ekyam gladly accepts the prizes on behalf of the team and signals that he will visit the Heroes later that night (26th).
Be careful Heroes...Evil Lurks in dark places:
Session 33 Intro - The Fields of Triumph
The Fields of Triumph (location $77), Waterdeep
Cool breeze, and some fog, the storm has cleared
Having been collected up by Ekyam the trip to the Fields of Triumph is surreal. Word has spread fast that the Heroes from Virgin Square and Tarquin's Crooked House Inn, the same ones who saved all those children from the rampaging Chimera and later from the burning orphanage, have entered the Champions' Belt Tournament. Some of the local children gather along the street and throw traditional red rose petals at the Heroes' feet. Ekyam takes it all in basking in the glory and the chance to manage a Gladiatorial Team.
About the time the realization hits that this is for real and real fights to the death may ensue, the Heroes arrive at the southern entrance to the Fields of Triumph just off Jalshoon Street in the Sea Ward. There are guards there called Arena Wardens waiting and speak with Ekyam. They then nod approvingly and motion for the troop to enter.
Welcome to the Fields of Triumph.
Downtime - 19th to 25th Uktar
Action(s): Storn knows the coming battles in the Arena will require all his might plus the strength of a Giant. Storn seeks out a Belt of Giant Strength. After talking to his Father and Hilmer he figures he has acquired enough wealth to buy the item. After he acquires the Belt of Giant Strength Storn plans on spending the remaining days working at the Halls of Hilmer with his Father Armand until the 25th. Stron gives Armand a 'stornium' Dwarven WarAxe. Armand appreciates the gift and says he will study it in his spar time.
Summary: It takes a couple days but Storn finds the Belt of Giant Strength (+4). His search begins with Hilmer and his father Armand, unfortunately Hilmer has no such item, but he refers Storn to the Metal House of Wonders (Location D3). Here they have no such item either. After facing the possibility that he might have to venture into Skullport to find the item which would take a day or two to reach, Tarquin refers Storn to the Thayan Embassy (Location C70). As Storn approaches the place, a feeling of 'arcane evil red dread' washes over Storn. This place would give even the stoutest dwarf the chills. At least there are no worms. After being greeted or better "received" by two creepy and evil looking Red Wizards, Storn is escorted to the Shop of Wondrous Mysteries (within the Embassy). They have the item and curiously they sell it to Storn for 16,000gp (no mark-up). The shopkeeper Snargul the Red (male human Mulan Wizard-high level) propositions Storn to return with his magical wares in the future if they are looking to sell them. When Storn returns to his Father at the Halls of Hilmer he gives him a 'stornium' Dwarven WarAxe. Armand appreciates the gift and says he will study it in his spar time. He reminds Storn that since he has only begun working there a few days earlier it is a bit too early to start working up his own items and creating his own business...He estimates he will have to save 3,500gp to open his own small shop or better 5,000 gp to properly equip the shop.
Contact(s): Snargul the Red (Thayan Embassy C70), not exactly friendly.
Time Expended: 6 days
Injury/Death: NA
Pay/Treasure/Debt: Pay DM 16,000gp, give up one 'stornium' Dwarven WarAxe.
XP Gained: 150 XP
Action(s): 1) Tyree will search for his friend the female Ranger to seek information about the Bear Warrior fighting in the Champions' Belt Tournament. 2)Tyree will work on his reading skills. 3) Tyree will seek a library for research about the Feint of Honor and the stand of Illiphar and perhaps his new armor.
Summary: 1) As Tyree cannot recall the name of his Ranger friend this becomes problematic in locating her. Tyree gives up after a day finding her. However, a trip to the Fields of Triumph will result in Tyree seeing some children play acting a mock duel between gladiators and a double sized 'Bear Warrior'. After talking with the Children they tell Tyree that the 'Bear Warrior' hails from distant Cormanthor itself and he is said to have the strength of a mighty Grizzled Brown Bear and that his eyes turn blood red when he snaps into his rage. They say he goes by the name Gozul the Brown and is a mighty Uthgardt Illuskan that is said to wield claw weapons. 2) Learning to read and write takes time, the kind of time Tyree does not have. He does however acquire a learning book and begins to look at the symbols in the book. It will take 2 skill points and two 10-days of downtime to gain read and write with this book and instruction (instruction can be from a another PC willing to dedicate 2 Time Periods a day for two 10-days). 3) Research about the Feint of Honor. Tyree is directed by Tarquin to the Font of Knowledge (Location C4). He of course is not allowed entrance but he hires a sage at "The Market" which is a bustling market place directly in front of the location. Here Sages with memberships sell their skills and access to those seeking knowledge. Tyree shows one such young sage Nathan Abercackle (male human Chondathan, Expert 3) the armor and asks him to research the event and the armor. Nathan agrees but says it may take some time. He asks for and receives 200gp for two time periods of research necessary. After Nathan returns Tyree is provided information (see player handout).
Contact(s): Nathan Abercackle (male human Chondathan, Expert 3)
Time Expended: 6 days
Injury/Death: NA
Pay/Treasure/Debt: pay the DM 220gp (200 research and 20 for the book).
XP Gained: 150XP
Action(s): Copies spells from Alobron into Melenvagor's Spell book.
Summary: Melenvagor spends his time researching and copying spells from Alobron into his spell book. He copies Fly, Ray of Stupidity, Mirror Image, and True Strike. It cost 800gp and takes some time. Of peculiar note is that in Alobron's Spell book pressed in between some pages is a dose of Kalamanthus Root. This root is considered by some to have spiritual hallucinogenic properties, but in most civilized societies like Waterdeep it is illegal.
Contact(s): Alobron (half-orc, Fighter/Caster)
Time Expended: 6 days
Injury/Death: NA
Pay/Treasure/Debt: Pay DM 800gp.
XP Gained: 150 XP
Session 32 Re-Cap
Crooked House Inn, Trade Ward, Waterdeep
Cold, overcast, storm finally cleared
Downtime Avialble: 6 days (19th to the 25th)
After the harrowing earlier day in the Sewers, the Heroes returned to the Crooked House Inn on the evening of the 18th. Here they cleaned themselves, ate some food, and prepared for the meeting with Celeste, Alobron's friend. After a short while a elf from the Court of Evermeet introduced himself to Kamist, having overheard Tarquin mention the name Eligos.
The Elf, one Menelvagor, indicated he was seeking Eligos and had come to Waterdeep on a mission. A bit too trusting, Menelvagor provided all the details of his mission immediately to the Heroes, but curiously was accepted by the Heroes, all except Alobron still wary of Doppelgangers. As it turns out Menelvagor was dispatched by Melvinar Thanthazilith of the Elven Court at Leithispar (Evermeet) to travel to the Western Heartlands and the Sword Coast to investigate strange happenings and to assist one Eligos Jhanczil a Damaran Human Sage. Menelvagor relates three rumors he has uncovered:
-Evil Priests of the Dead gods Bane, Bhaal, and Myrkul have begun working together in a plot. They call themselves the Ebon Triad and are gaining in power.
-A terrified and quite insane elven sailor was rescued off the coast of Sumbra…all he would speak is a single word…”Kyuss”. Research into the name leads Elven sages to records thousands of years old when the Realms were more primitive. The only entry matching the name is that of morbid mystic who once led his followers deep into the jungles of the Chultian Peninsula. It is reported that they found a great city of monoliths and vine snared idols to alien gods. The only other records were that this group disappeared and was never heard of again.
-Having heard an interesting sermon while in a small town in the Western Heartlands an Elven traveler wrote it down and passed it along to Menelvagor. It seems a Priest of Lathandar was quite insane, but very passionate about his beliefs. The Elven traveler thought it might be prudent to record his words so the Wizards and Sages of Evermeet might make some sense of them.
After introductions, the Heroes hustle Menelvagor upstairs and place him in front of Telakin's magnificent magical mirror and ascertain that he is in fact not a Doppelganger and is a true Sun Elf. After some hijinx and merriment, two hooded strangers are observed entering the Inn and Rumple makes his move to snatch something 'good' from one of them. As it turns out, this is Celeste and her patron Ekyam Smallcask, visiting the Inn to meet with the Heroes. It is a little awkward as Ekaym physically removes Rumples hand from his necklace but all is forgiven when Alobron intervenes.
Celeste is a real beauty, and though a little rough and tumble looking, has the deepest blue sparking eyes and speaks with
The Heroes then set a watch schedule and retire for the evening amidst the terrible raging storm outside. Kamist and Storn have trouble sleeping; Kamist because of all the thunder and lightning, and Storn because his father, Armand, wakes up screaming on two occasions with terrible nightmares. On Tyree's watch, after going back downstairs, he is attacked by the last of the Doppelganger Gang. Tyree splatters three and the other Heroes arrive in time to dispatch the rest. It turns out they were disguised as City Watchmen. Tyree had observed them earlier and had noticed that three of them were armed with scimitars but thought nothing unusual of it. In hindsight Tyree realized that this should have been a clue as the uniformed and disciplined City Watch have never been armed with Scimitars before.
The next morning Tarquin refreshes the Heroes including the fatigued Kamist with a special breakfast of seared fish on herb toast with a honey and fruit sauce. All eat the healthy refreshing meal and head out to cover some leads prior to the lunch meeting with Eligos.
Morning, 18th Uktar
-Egwaine conducts a Divination and Begins construction of a Wand of Lesser Restoration (to be completed on the 24th, 180 XP, and 2,250gp).
-The Heroes sell treasure and split proceeds to include a visit to the Lords' Bank at Castle Waterdeep (Location C76)
-While at Castle Waterdeep the Heroes report to the HQ of the Lords' Alliance. Here they ask to meet with Fenten but are instead directed to Oliver Westar as Fenten is away to Cormyr. Oliver rewards the Heroes for Zyrxog and authorizes their participation in the Champions' Belt Tournament.
-Rumple travels to the Blackstaff Academy (Location C6) and has his Ring of Protection enchanted to +2 (6,000gp) and has his mithril chain shirt enchanted to +2 (3,000gp) and his Amulet of Natural Armor enchanted to +2 (6,000gp). Talk about spending some coin.
Midmorning, 18th Uktar
-Kamist travels to the Eltorchul Academy(Location $22) and purchases a Cloak of Charisma +2 (4,000gp) and a Momenta Magika (1,500gp).
-Tyree travels to the Balthor Rare and Wonderous Items (Location C14) and purchases Gauntlets of Ogre Power (4,000gp) and Boots of Striding and Springing (5,500gp).
-Alobron travels to Halls of Hilmer (Location C23) where Storn's father works and has them add Keen to his weapon (6,000gp).
-Alobron travels back to the Black Staff Academy and buys a ring of counterspells (4,000gp).
After this the Heroes just have enough time to make it to Eligos' Estate (Location $14) by highsun. Here, after being greeted by Pollard, the Heroes are taken to Eligos where he spends all of highsun talking about his discoveries and research related to the items and notes the Heroes brought him. He too suspects Raknians involvement with the Ebon Triad and the prophecy of the Age of Worms and thinks the Champions Belt Tournament would be an excellent cover to infiltrate the Field of Champions Facility and explore Raknians operations. He is particularly interested in Raknians apparant acquisition of the Apostolic Scrolls. He becomes very serious and dark and relates that the Apostolic Scrolls are rumored to have been penned by Kyuss himself and that amoung other vile incantations and rituals they detail the creation of an undead horror known as an Ulgurstasa which is apparently a massive undead creature that is allegedly capable of consuming the living and regurgitating them as undead.
Further Downtime Resoltion Next Post.
Past Events Recap (REPOST)
5th Uktar
With the discovery of Doppelgangers at the Crooked House Inn, the City Watch has initiated a thorough investigation. As part of this, the Heroes have been summoned to the Hall of Justice within Castle Waterdeep. Here, the Heroes, now “Agents of the Alliance” have been summoned by Master Agent Fenten (human male Damaran, fighter/bard/cleric, high level). Fenten and his aide-de-camp Oliver Westar (human male Damaran, fighter/cleric, also high level) address the Heroes in a large office with no chairs. An extra tall desk stands in the center of the room covered with maps, books, and scrolls. After an admonishment about not checking in, “typical rookies” Fenten sets the Heroes on a task of getting to the bottom of this Doppelganger conspiracy. Fenten is deeply concerned regarding reports from Diamond Lake and advises that Allustan is a fitting mentor for the “Agents”.
6th Uktar
City ‘shoutmen’ announce the coming Champions’ Belt Games to be held at the Fields of Triumph Arena (Castle Ward) beginning on the evening of the 25th of Uktar with the Champions Dinner followed by a 5 day gladiatorial tournament. The entire City is invited to attend the event for a small daily fee (5cp ‘the high stands’, 1sp ‘middle stands’, 5sp ‘low stands’, 2gp ‘lodge box’, 5gp ‘luxury box’, and 25gp ‘noble box’) with seating limited to the first 20,000 daily. Licensed managers may submit entrance applications on the 20th of Uktar but no later than highsun on the 25th.
Posters announcing restitution payments being offered to the victims of the rampaging Chimera are discovered. Citizens of Waterdeep may report to Castle Waterdeep for restitution payments on the morning of the 10th of Uktar, Citizens are warned that the events were scryed by the Watchful Order and that frauds will be prosecuted and taken directly before the Black Robes.
7th Uktar
Another Doppelganger was discovered within the City Watch impersonating a Watch Lieutenant. Unfortunately the Doppelganger was slain but not before causing enough trouble within the watch to put many within the city on edge and mistrust is rising. There are reports of a woman beating her husband to death with a frying pan after he acted strangely.
More refugees from Diamond Lake and the surrounding farms near Golden Fields stream into Waterdeep. Rumors of death, disease, and worm infested zombies is spreading fear. The Inns and Tavern Rooms, often plentiful this time of year with many vacancies are filling up with an unusually high number of refugee occupants.
8th Uktar
A group of Hill Giants on a diplomatic Mission from Mount Helimbrar were attacked by a large group of Calishite rogues and assassins. One of the Hill Giants was slain in the failed attack, but not before squashing at least 16 Calashite thugs. The City Watch raided a number of Calashite slum areas in the Dock Ward and made a number of arrests. Interrogations continue and more arrests are expected in the near future.
Rumors from refugees report a very large Black Dragon sighting along the Amphail Trail in the vicinity of Golden Fields.
9th Uktar
Kamist hears a crazy rumor. Allegedly a titanic red dragon lead an army of orcs and goblins and despoils much of Cormyr. The dragon and King Azoun IV slay each other in battle and the orc army is beaten back into the Stonelands. The infant Azoun V, son of Princess Tanalasta, becomes King of Cormyr, with his aunt Alusair acting as Regent. This can’t be true, but important people are saying that it is so.
Storn hears that the great father Gandalug is dead and Bruenor Battlehammer is informed of the death and has begun the long trek to Mithral Hall to reclaim his throne. Storn is torn as to his loyalties and struggles with abandoning his comrades to return home in this terrible time of tragedy and dwarven political change. Apparently many great changes are afoot in the Realms and fear spreads as many interpret these events as evil omens foreshadowing terrible times ahead. The rumors of worm spawn and the troubles in Diamond Lake make this even worse.
10th Uktar
More refuges from Diamond Lake and the Golden Fields are flooding into Waterdeep. Some report a Large Black Dragon making strafing runs on helpless refuges caravans. Reports of Worm Zombie attacks are increasing and appear to be getting closer to Waterdeep.
11th Uktar
Alobron receives a mysterious note at the Crooked House Inn:
Dear Gladiator Alobron,
Of course you probably don’t remember me, but I watched you in the games the year before last and was wondering if you might be willing to participate once again. You see my charge, a licensed manager, has asked me to approach you and see if you might form a team. Of course my charge will pay the hefty entrance fee and sponsor you. We will be in town on the 18th of Uktar. We are traveling up from Amn and are trying to beat the coming storm. If this is something you might be interested in, we would like to meet with you and any other Champions you can muster at the Crooked House Inn on the evening of the 18th.
To refresh your memory I was the water girl. The one who used to work for the cruel Loris Raknian, the one who you helped. Of course you will probably not remember me, but I remember you and will forever be in your debt. As it turns out my new charge is trying to put together a team for the upcoming games and I heard of your exploits and how you saved hundreds of children from a rampaging Chimera, word spreads fast. I knew you were the one so I sang of your past exploits and convinced my charge to meet with you and see if you might consider putting a team together for the Champions’ Belt Tournament. Please consider meeting with us.
12th Uktar
Tyree is convinced he sees that same old women in the crowd following him. When he tracks her down she seems to disappear into the crowd.
13th Uktar
While in training at the Eltorchul Academy Kamist observes a disgruntled Wizard show up and begin making outrageous allegations against Thesp Eltorchul (Chief Instructor, human male Tethyrian, wizard 14). The exchange ends in a challenge and Mage Duel ensues. The Duel is very formal and conforms to all the protocol and is sanctioned by the ‘Order’ who promptly show up to officiate. The Duel is quite spectacular and in the end Thesp is victorious. The challenger limps away and is seen entering the Thayan Embassy. Thesp speaks no more of the interruption and all classes are dismissed for the day.
14th Uktar
City Officials warn of a coming large storm that Sages at the Blackstaff Tower say is heading directly toward Waterdeep. Residents with sea facing windows are encouraged to board their windows and sand bag their low areas to block any water that might pool or flood. The storm is expected to arrive on the evening of the 18th Uktar. Really ‘hot’ Priestesses of Umberlee are seen out in public warning of certain doom and preaching of homage to be paid to the ‘Queen of the Deeps’. With all the bad news brewing in Waterdeep many of the citizens, especially those residents of the Dock Ward seem to be heeding their warnings and are seen down at the docks performing rituals to the ‘Bitch Queen’. The Watch stands by helplessly as they are not breaking any laws.
15th Uktar
Preparations continue in the wake of the looming storm. Shopkeeps and merchants are boarding up their shops and warehouses. Residents move about the streets infrequently, Watch patrols are increased, and an unusual number of Umberlee priestesses remain in plain sight, inciting fear and using it to gain followers.
Official word comes into Waterdeep of the death of King Azoun IV of Cormyr. Nobles of all factions and families begin a period of morning. Memorial services are scheduled throughout the North Ward and the Sea Ward. Castle Waterdeep lowers their standards and flags to half mast and Piergeron himself along with many nobles are said to be on the move to Cormyr. The Open Lord orders a 30-day period of mourning to end on the 15th of Nightal. All City Watch and City Guard personnel, as well as soldiers in service to the Alliance either wear black armbands or black tabs on their badges of authority. All official business is postponed for 30 days. The ‘Champions Belt’ games will go on as scheduled but a portion of the proceeds are being sent to Cormyr to help with their recovery.
Session 32 Introduction
The Crooked House Inn (Simples Street, Virgin Square, Waterdeep)
Cold, Stormy with rain and high winds
After the day long siege of the Fortress of Zyrxog the Greater Illithid deep below the Sewers of Waterdeep, the Heroes have returned to the Crooked House Inn for some much needed rest and recuperation and of course the meeting with Alobron's "friend", Celeste. More than one of the Heroes still has unusual spiny growths protruding from their skin from the Vrock's spores, causing at least one child peering through a street level window to shriek in terror at the sight of the Heroes, yelling for grown-ups about terrible monsters wandering the streets.
Upon arrival Tarquin hails Kamist after a quizzical look and hands him a note marked with the Sigil of Eligos.
Dear Friends,
I hope this note finds you in good health and comfort. Though I have not completely finished my research, I have learned some very disturbing things that I must tell you immediately. I believe these events you have described and the evidence you have presented me are pointing to some very critical coincidences in circumstances and we need to speak in person very soon. Please visit my estate tomorrow sometime so we can sit over lunch and talk privately.
Be careful and keep a watch, as I fear enemies plot against us at this very moment. I have sent for assistance from Elven allies and now truly believe that you and Allustan have stumbled on to something that we must stop less we all fall into darkness.
In trust,