Sewer level, below the DockWard
Cold overcast day with rain
Deep below the sewers of Waterdeep, the Heroes engaged the powerful Illthid Mind Flayer in their toughest battle to date. The battle was pitched; and magic and foul beasts alike were used in vain to slay the Heroes. In the end, Zyrxog was defeated and the Vrock who was lying in wait was also finally beaten back to its hellish plane where it plots to exact his revenge on the Heroes from its distant realm.
From Zyrzog's lair the Heroes can also recover enough documents to identify Zyrxog's Network of Dopplegangers; return of these documents to Fenten at the Hall of Justice is a top priority.
As it is now almost Late Afternoon, there is just enough time for the Heroes to make it back to the Crooked House Inn for Alobron's scheduled evening meeting with Celeste and her patron. It is a good thing as well because the storm is just about to hit Waterdeep and Kamist and Storn figure the sewer will not be the place to be when it hits...Better hurry topside.
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