Night's End (~2 hours prior to dawn)
The Blackwall Keep
Cold, damp, with a slow moving fog
There is something mystical about a swamp that exists just outside ones consciousness. Legends speak of tales in which travelers drawn into the Stump Bog by the allure of the fleeting sounds of distant wildlife, the rich aroma of the exotic plants and fauna, and the stunning beauty of the setting sun over the swamp, are never to be seen again. The Swamp before you seems alive with life and itself alive in its ever encroaching and swallowing growth. It seems, part of the River Dessarin has pooled here at the Stump Bog and continues to grow swallowing up much of the countryside here south of the Amphail Trail. As one gazes into the murky marsh, one can't help but be drawn towards its mystery.
Based on the interview of Corporal Green, Kamist has decided to set out to rescue Marzena and the four other soldiers before dawn after a full rest. Kamist made this decision based on the current need for rest of his fellow Heroes, the fading light and good chance of becoming lost in the dark, and Corporal Green's insight as to the Lizardfolk feeding patterns. From the chalk azimuth etched on battlements of the keep and the distant drums beating, Kamist and Corporal Green have judge that if the Heroes leave before dawn they could make the Lizardfolk Lair before the cold blooded reptiles begin to feed. With a little luck and a plan the Heroes just might be able to effect the rescue of Marzena and the four other soldiers before they are eaten during the morning feeding of the creatures.
So after a solid rest, Tyree has decided to awaken the other Heroes' during Night's End. He has already packed supplies and lined up the special boots Jasper already secured for the Heroes.
Step lightly Heroes for evil lurks in dark places.
We mustn’t forget the Rangers, they know this bog well .
"We'll go...we are brave..we have bows and know how to use them."
That is good newa my friends. Stay close I wouldn't want anything to happen to you.
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